Regulatory Disclosure



Simon Plant, Director

Licensed to act as an Insolvency Practitioner in the UK by the Insolvency Practitioners Association.

Office holder no. 9155


Daniel Plant, Director

Licensed to act as an Insolvency Practitioner in the UK by the Insolvency Practitioners Association.

Office holder no. 9207


Jeremy Perceval, Director

Regulated to act as Chartered Surveyor in the UK by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (“RICS”)
Member No. 0846484. A Fellow of the RICS, RICS Registered Valuer and Registered Property Receiver in England & Wales.

The Fixed Charge Receivership Scheme for Registered Property Receivers is jointly regulated by RICS and IPA.


Annabel Ah-Lim, Director



At SFP we always strive to provide a professional and efficient service, however we recognise that it is in the nature of insolvency proceedings for disputes to arise from time to time. If you should have cause to complain about the way that we are acting, you may in the first instance, put details of your complaint in writing to our Compliance Department. This will formally invoke our complaints procedure.

Most disputes can be resolved amicably either through the provision of further information or following negotiations. However, in the case of an insolvency appointment related complaint, in the event that you have exhausted our complaints procedure and you are not satisfied that your complaint has been resolved or dealt with appropriately, you may complain to The Insolvency Service, IP Complaints, 3rd Floor, 1 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9DA; or you may access an online form at; or you may phone the Insolvency Service’s helpline on 0300 678 0015.

SFP Property has its own formal Complaints Handling Procedure, a copy of which can be found here.

Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII)

The practice’s PII is provided by CNA Insurance Company Ltd, International House, 1 St Katharine’s Way, London, E1W 1UN (coverage is worldwide excluding USA and Canada).

SFP Corporate Solutions PII is provided by CNA Insurance Company Ltd, International House, 1 St Katharine’s Way, London, E1W 1UN (coverage is worldwide excluding USA and Canada).

SFP Property’s PII is provided by CNA Insurance Company Ltd, International House, 1 St Katharine’s Way, London, E1W 1UN (coverage is worldwide excluding USA and Canada).

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